Just when you thought you were doing tricks properly, this DVD came along
to set you straight. Not only will you learn how to do the most fun tricks
in snowboarding, you will learn to do them pure and proper. All areas are
covered here, from the simple Ollie, past the 360, and on to backflips
and backlips. After watching this video you will be ready to hit the park
and amaze your friends with some stylish moves done just like the pros.
From Mt. High, to High Cascade Snowboard Camp, to the city streets, and
mountain's powder, this group of top notchers will run you through the
ins and outs of the best tricks of today. Learn the dos and donts along
with some magician's secrets. Keep your tricks clean and you will be well
on your way to Olympic Stardom or even better - filming a quality video
part of your own!
超豪華ライダー陣による、目から鱗のHOW TO ムービー。