The 2011 season rolls in and the snow begins to fall.
Cities are scoured for features.
Sleep is lost. Hits are taken.
All for the opportunity to present one’s own interpretation of the sport.
Join the crew throughout all times of the day and night as they put in
the fullest efforts to portray their perspectives on the current progression
in skiing; providing insight on a side of the sport that often times falls
short of the spotlight.
This is a skiing film that has been created to paint a picture on the lifestyles
of a group of friends who share a similar outlook on the sport.
ムービーが始まってすぐにRyan Wybleのパート、そのままオープニングもほどほどに、トム・ウォリッシュへ繋がる流れがとてもスムーズ。
パッケージからもイメージできるように「Begging For Change」では、まず「街」に注目し、さまざまな形状でテクニカルなハンドレールをはじめ、ストリートアイテムをスキーヤー達はクリアしていく。